The school of Ministry and Leadership Development (SoMLD) was established in 2005 as a training arm of the Assembly and a practical channel towards EQUIPING the body of Christ for Works of Service (Ephesians 4:11-13).
NAOG believes in the priesthood of all believers, therefore, the SoMLD is seen ad the most tangible way of realising the fruition of the Church’s STRAGIC GOAL “To build a strong vibrant, mission minded church-base, where every member takes joy, maturely, in doing their part of extending the kingdom of God”. To that end, every Covenant Partner (member) of the church is required to go through the SoMLD at some stage in their walk with the Lord, as directed by the Pastoral Team.
A world class, holistic curriculum (covering biblical and contemporary topical themes) aimed at rigorous spiritual reflection, radical discipleship and readiness for ‘Market place’ witness is taught in cycles that enable participants to join at any point in the progression. However, they must eventually complete the Full Cycle of the mandatory course levels before appropriate certification. Plans are underway for NAOG to eventually set up a fully-fledged Christian University.