For Immediate release 24th May, 2022
Nehemiah 4:14
“After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” (NIV)
Standing in firm solidarity with others in the Body of Christ, the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Zambia (PAOGZ) Council of Bishops is deeply concerned and highly disappointed that LBGTQI ideas are being promoted blatantly on Zambian soil by some members of the diplomatic corps on the one hand and being planned for in secrecy by some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) on the other. This is a war against our families, present and future.
Homosexuality and lesbianism might be practiced by certain individuals in the republic (we are not burying our heads in the sand regarding this reality) as it remains a fact that they are illegal practices. The Penal Code Section 155 prohibits sex between men with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Section 156 prohibits any attempt to commit unnatural offences prohibited under Section 155 with a maximum penalty of fourteen years imprisonment. Section 158 prohibits acts of gross indecency both between men and between women, with a maximum penalty of fourteen years imprisonment.
We therefore request that Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Jack Mwimbu, MP and his Foreign Affairs counterpart, Hon. Stanley Kakubo, MP to explain how these developments were allowed to unfold. We urge the Zambia Police to investigate the NGOs that met at the unnamed lodge in Siavonga for breaking the law by secretly strategizing to decriminalize homosexuality. We further demand that the proprietor of that facility be taken in for questioning for breaking the law. An apology too, from the Embassies of Finland and Sweden would be in order.
We further request that the UPND Government explains clearly its apparent tolerance of practices that are directly in conflict with Zambian cultural values. Clarity is needed to establish if indeed the UPND Government has quietly decided to open doors to homosexuality and lesbianism which are explicitly prohibited in Scripture.
Lest we forget, various Western governments have been at the push for LGBTQI agenda for a while. Therefore, the infamous rainbow flag incident of 17th May, 2022 should not be seen as isolated event. Observe the following:
• On October, 2011, there was a call by then British Prime Minister Cameron at a Commonwealth gathering in Australia, to tie donor Aid to the acceptance of LGBTQI rights;
• A similar call was made by the then USA Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton on the eve of world human rights day (Geneva, 6th December 2011)
• Then, in January 2012, a statement was made by then UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, calling for recognition of sexual orientation as a rights issue.
• Shortly thereafter, His Excellency Ban Ki Moon, on his maiden visit to Zambia stood in our Parliament (24th February, 2012) and became the first UN official to ever mention sexual orientation as a matter of human rights, on site, to Zambian legislators. This was followed by an exclusive meeting with select NGOs in the tourist capital, Livingstone. The episode in question drew sharp reactions from most citizens.
We see the act of flying the rainbow flags by the Sweden and Finland Embassies as an attempt to test the waters again. Our response is clear. Zambia has said NO to LGBTQI propaganda and our No means NO! Do not push our leaders and please do not twist their arms. Apart from the national values and principles enshrined in Part II, Article 8 of the Zambia constitution, we note that African Union has two key points out of nine espoused priority tenets on its Action plan for the African family, that call for vital reflection at this stage, namely, v. Rights of protection of the family; vi. Strengthening of family relationships. LGBTQI ideology is in direct contradiction to these noble ideals and for that reason stands rejected.
His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, while in opposition, promised not to entertain homosexual and lesbian rights, and this is one of the reasons the people of Zambia were confident to elect him to the office of President of the Republic. The recent events are therefore troubling and require clarity from Government. If there has been a change of Government policy, it is better that this is stated clearly and openly.
The PAOGZ believes homosexuality and lesbianism are treatable conditions which require empathy to bring affected individuals to a place of liberty and healing. Individual gays are merely being exploited by sponsors of liberal democracy and we will not vouch for that. We resist this war against our consciences and our families, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
As we commemorate Africa Freedom Day and its significance to us as a continent, let us liberate ourselves from the pressure of bilateral aid and multilateral commitments that might unnecessarily entangle us.
May the Lord continue to protect our nation as we invoke the clarion biblical call below:
Nehemiah 4:14
“After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” (NIV)
Bishop Dr. Joshua HK Banda, PhD
Presiding Bishop – Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAOG) Zambia President- Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa (PAOA) – Southern Africa Region